Disability Rights California
How would the CARE Court achieve effective outcomes with coerced treatment where evidence has consistently supported adequately resourced voluntary treatment instead?

This is just one of the questions that DRC is asking lawmakers along with ACLU California Action and Western Center on Law & Poverty, who have issued a joint press release available now.

We oppose CARE Court and SB 1338 because, as DRC senior attorney Kim Pederson states, “CARE Court creates a punitive system under which a person must comply with court orders or risk being conserved and institutionalized. True recovery and empowerment can only come from providing people with meaningful opportunities to make their own choices about the services that will work best for them.”

See the press release here: https://www.disabilityrightsca.org/press-release/disability-civil-rights-groups-say-fundamental-questions-must-be-answered-regarding
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