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Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [Case: 190816-005340]
4 messages

LinkedIn Customer Support <>Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 7:36 AM
Reply-To: LinkedIn Customer Support <>

View this case on our Help Center

Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [190816-005340]

Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
Hi James,
I’m sorry it’s taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement:

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies  

We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115

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Real Up Human [.net] <>Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 11:32 AM
To: LinkedIn Customer Support <>

Yes, I agree to your terms.  I have tried my best to be within these terms.
Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?

Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my own knowledge so I will be
extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.

Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?   

Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam? 

It is not. How about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.  

Why are my articles missing online?  I only had 15 so it really is not a huge loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.

These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.

Page not found

Uh oh, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help Center for more information

You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process.  You have no intention to restore my account.

If you do, please restore ALL OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.

I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said --- 

please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be 


Thank you,

James Martin Driskill

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